Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Grateful

This month I realized how many things I take for granted. When I see stories on the news of people who have been victimized and who have gone through extreme tragedies or hardships, I must bow down and just thank the Lord for one more day. When I wake up, I expect to be able to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast (not always), talk, walk, etc. I expect my car to be in the garage, clothes to be in the closet, food to be on the table. I don't often recognize that because of Him, I am able to do these things.

This past summer, I had to deal with some extreme issues that made me recognize other areas of imbalance in my life. I took stock of what was important to me and made my own priorities. I shed some weight so to speak and began to gain focus on what I need to do. But was I grateful?

The Bible tells us in 1 Thes. 5:18: "In EVERY thing give thanks:

So I encourage each one of you to GIVE THANKS IN EVERY THING!

I told my daughters that we must be grateful that the Lord loves us so much to place us in a safe place, that He is covering us every day; that He is watching over us; that He showers us with His love even when we don't deserve it. My spirit is full of gratefulness for waking up today, being able to express my Love for Him and being free to do so.

I have been overjoyed to meet people on the Internet who encourage me through their examples of courage, determination and perseverance. I have talked with women how have never allow any obstacle to determine their level of success and they are passing their courage along. I have often prayed to the Lord for people like this, who encourage me to do the same. And guess what? I AM GRATEFUL that He has.

Ladies, today take some time and make a list of what you do on a daily basis:

  • Wake up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, get in the car, go to work, use cell phone, get blessed by another, come home, drink tea/coffee, eat dinner, etc.

Make that list for one day and then for everything on the list, tell the Lord thank you. Just try it and you be amazed at how much we truly need to give Him thanks for everything we have, say and do.

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!!

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