Monday, December 29, 2008

Let It GO!

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,: Philippians 3:13

In 2009, it is so important that I no longer hold on to issues of the past (issues, drama, lies and disappointment.) 2008 and beyond has been very instrumental to my development and growth, yet it is time for me to move on...

I have learned that every experience is for my good and in knowing this I have become free to be me. This is only because I KNOW WHO I AM. I am true to me. This does not mean that I am better than anyone else it means that I am using wisdom, discernment, knowledge, understanding and instruction as tools to guide me.

Letting Go means that although there haven been past hurts, they cannot be the dictator of my future. What did kill me has made me stronger.

Letting Go doesn't mean totally forgetting but completely forgiving for my benefit and my relationships in the future. I cannot make your issues, my issues and if it happened, it should be a catalyst for change.

Letting Go means finding other avenues for my personal expression and deliverance. i.e. my blog

Letting Go means that walking alone is sometimes necessary to really know who I am. Sometimes I have to be alone to know that I am not alone. I have to hear my own voice and that's not such a bad thing.

Letting Go means no re-hashing the past, it happened learn from it, use it for positive fuel, not negative energy. What good comes from re-living the hurt? I have found that when I truly got over it, I did forget a lot of the details.

Letting Go means finding the good in each situation that is working together to make me all that God intends for me to be. Yes, I have been disappointed but from that disappointment, I have become better not bitter.

Letting Go means releasing others from their pasts, their faults and looking at them with new eyes and allowing them to grow as I have grown. Although I still have to say "FOR REAL!?, I have come to realize that "But for the Grace of God, there go I".

Letting Go is letting God take control of things that I cannot change.

I am not forgetting everything that has happened to me because it has made me grow stronger and wiser but I am forgiving all of it and LETTING IT GO!

See ya in the '09!

Shoes by Type Z ~ Illusion

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mi Vida Loca! My Crazy Life

Guess What?

I didn't realized how crazy my life seems until I began to tell other people about it.

I am on a mission to do some awesome things with my life and I am trying to do it all in few hours. My goal is not to run myself ragged but to accomplish as much as I can and not to waste time. Although my pursuit may be admirable, it is not always so wise.

Let me give you a glimpse. I am working a full time job, a part time job, going to school full time, and raising three children. Whew! I am not complaining but I am realizing that sometimes I can get out of balance.

My full time job not only is my natural source of finance, it helps me to grow spiritually and stretches me mentally. My part time job puts me in touch with the world at large and allows me to extend kindness to others. My classes help me to learn more about my dreams and to gain knowledge that expands my mind. And my children, that's a mouth full.

Even when I feel that I have a lot going on, I know that God is orchestrating my life and that I must remain in tune with Him to know what He wants of me. Others looking in may see so much going on and even sympathize with all that needs to be done and I agree I am "doing the most", yet all things work together for the good of them that Love the Lord and those who are called according to His purpose. I have faith that I am in Love with Him and that He has called me according to His purpose, so this is working for my good.

I let the Lord know that tonight I will take some time for us, just He and I. I will use my time and efforts wisely. I will celebrate the birth, life, death and resurrection of the ONE who makes life worth living; the ONE who encourages me to go on and to do exploits because HE promised to give me the power.

Tomorrow is the day that we celebrate Him, in all of His glory. I am thankful to share my life with you all and my love for Christ.

Have a wonderful Christmas and celebrate Him fully.

Keep Walking,

Shoes by Jimmy Choo ~Lance
A Celebration Shoe for Jesus!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Short and Sweet

This post is going to be very short as the year end is shortly approaching.

We have approximately 15 days before 2009 officially begins. In this time, we must continue to seek the Lord for revelation of the promise(s) that He has for us. If we are aware of the purpose, then we must ask for direction, wisdom, and instruction so that we can accomplish His will.

I am a person that has many ideas floating in my head, but have difficulty putting pen to paper, so to speak. I can see a thing, plan it and execute it but writing it is often a challenge. Go figure. I am working diligently on writing the vision and making it plain and I have 15 days to do so. I intend to have the plan to paper within the month.

I look to do some exciting things in 2009 and without a vision it will perish. I have to take time to flesh out my vision and do some reality checks on what I intend to do. I will make that time work for me and not against me.

I thank God that He is so sweet and nudges gently in His coaxing and guiding. He lavishes us and sends to us people that support what we do, yet we must be doing something. Do not become paralyzed because you don't know where to start.

We CAN walk in Faith and we will be catalyst for change in 2009. I believe that we all have a mission that is greater than what we can see. So close your eyes and walk by Faith and not by sight.

Keep Walking,


Monday, December 8, 2008

The Birth of The Promise

Christmas as we celebrate it is just around the corner. We will be celebrating the birth of our Savior; born to set us free, deliver us from sin and to empower us to do great things. Over 2000 years ago, Mary birthed The Promise and through the Promise, we all have an opportunity to impact lives is a glorious way. He has given us the power to do exploits, to overcome huge obstacles and to live life abundantly. He is doing the same within us today. Read Luke Chapter 1.

I really do love this story because I see that the deliverer was birthed as promised and He did all the things that the Lord has commissioned Him to do. When He was finished, read all of the Gospels, we find that He left His disciples (those who follow) in charge of making sure that the Good News is spread and that Hope remains in the hearts of His people.

As the year closes, I reflect on the promises that the Lord has spoken to me. He promised that I would do exploits. I would do greater things. I would live abundantly. Today, I thought about my promises and realized that He is faithful and just. Everything that He has spoken to me has come to pass, so I AM exciting about those things that are yet to be revealed.

Being an expectant mother I realized that protecting and birthing a baby takes diligence on my part. I must watch what I eat, exercise properly, take your vitamins, get plenty of rest, get check-ups, get more rest and do everything in myr power to make sure that my baby will be healthy and full term. This goes on for nine months, until one day, I will know that it is time to push. The Holy Spirit will instinctively tell me when I am ready.

It was about 9 months ago, when the enemy tried to discourage me and destroy my hope and passion to live life abundantly. On April 25, 2008, I was told that the place I called home, no longer wanted my family to reside there and my son was in some very serious trouble. Much like a lot of mothers, I didn't know at the time what the Lord was conceiving within me. I cried a lot, felt sick to my stomach, didn't want to get out of bed but this was just the "morning sickness" of it all. As time progressed and after several check-ups, I found that I was definitely pregnant with possibilities. "How Can I Walk In Faith...With THESE High Heels?!" was in the first trimester. I had many people fawning over my conception and my new little bump. During the second trimester, I announced that Faith With Heels was definitely underway. There was no denying that I was pregnant with a promise from the Lord. I didn't even know myself what He was doing and like many mothers begin talking all about my baby before it was fully developed. Had to stop that quickly and protect my little one.

Now I am in what I would like to think of as the last trimester of this process. The one were I am expectantly waiting to push. I am waiting for the contractions to begin. And trust me I have had some really tough fake ones (braxton-hicks). I thought it was time, but God keeps saying not just yet.
Since I know that what He has placed in me is going to help other women to realize that the Lord is on their side and that having Faith is more than just saying it, it is living it out loud. It is hoping against hope that God is right on the other side and refusing to let go, give up or even downright quit. Faith is more than Chapter 11 of Hebrews, it must become the very essence of your life. It must be the substance exuding from within you. Everyday that we live, we are given a little more Faith to carry us into the next. Each trial strengthens us and when we overcome, when have as part of our spoil a measure of Faith.
Each week this month, I will challenge you to do something outside of your comfort zone. Last Monday, I asked each one of you to remember the dream that was birth in you. This week, each one of you to take some time and do something towards that dream. ~~I'll share mine with you. In an effort to get some recognition for Faith With Heels, I reached out to several local shoe store owners about partnering with me for a fabulous shoe event. I intend to continue to reach out and find others who will support my dream, those who do "AMEN!" and those who won't I bless and continue on.

I am waiting in expectancy to see what my baby will look like. I am glad to have women who are mid wiving me through this and telling me that the process is natural (and spiritual).

Please let me know how your doing as you reach for your goals/dreams in Faith. We are going to agree in prayer that everything that the Lord has placed within you shall be birthed out of you for His glory.

In the meantime...Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!

My Life is Golden!

Shoes by Chinese Laundry ~ Babe

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The End is Near

I am not predicting the "END", I am saying that 2008 is almost behind us. Today (actually yesterday) is December 1, 2008. 30 more days and it will be 2009.

I look forward to 2009 with great anticipation and expectation. I am expecting to breakthrough some major barriers and to leap over some huge walls. I appreciated everything I learned in 2008 and have 30 days to reflect on the blessings of the year.

I believe that 2008, a year of new beginnings brought so much newness into our lives. We all should be able to see some type of growth and renewal in our lives at this point. I have several areas that God has stretched me and molded me. He has renewed my mind, my outlook and my dreams. He has given me an outlet to express my faith and to inspire you to have faith to do exploits. He has opened some doors and only He can close and closed some that He will not allow to be opened.

I challenge each one of you today to take out a calendar and mark down one thing each day that the Lord has made new in your life this year. Start with December 1st and put something down that God has made new, renewed or made you grow. Put something that you were instructed to do and do it. Take a leap of faith and do that thing that you are not so sure of. If it is 30 days of prayer, do it. 30 days of fasting, I'll pray for you :))), etc. I believe this challenge will make each of us really put some thought into our dreams and give thanks for the things He has done.

I am grateful to each one of you for accepting these challenges and I want to hear some of your revelations this month. Let each of us know one thing that you are working on or that you have accomplished this year. If you haven't started walking yet, don't give up a lot could be accomplished in 30 days. I am expecting to see a new you before 2009.

Strap on those heels, get out your pen and get to writing. Walk around and speak in faith what you are looking for next year. Visualize yourself in the new year and draw a picture in your mind, find a scripture that matches your dream/yourself and pray that the Lord births out of you what He has placed in you.
I am excited about what is about to happen before the year ends. Yes, the end is near but it is full of expectation of great things to come and 2009 is going to be a year of BIRTHING.

Keep Walking,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And the Winners ARE........

Thanks so much for participating in the Faith With Heels Give A Way.

The winners of the posts are as follows:

No Joke ~ Tyre Thornton

Love Covers ~ Beautiforashes & Forgiveness=Blessings.


Please email me at with your shoe sizes and I will email you pictures of the shoes/boots in those sizes. This will be first come/ first serve.

Thanks for supporting,


Monday, November 24, 2008

What Do You Say.....?

This year has been a season of change, growth and personal reflection. I have learned a lot about this life and the Life. My life has evolved and changed in just a few months, and I am thankful that the Lord has placed me on this journey. My challenge is to make sure that I learn all that is before me and to use it to propel me to my destiny.

I realized that I am not alone as I walk in purpose and look forward to seeing the manifested dreams that He has placed within each one of us. Along this path, I have had to let go of some things that were not conducive to me becoming all that the Lord would have me to be. I have shed some baggage that has held me back, slowed me down and hindered my progress. I refuse to see the negative as a blockade, but will use it to help me rise a little higher. That stumbling block will be my stepping stone.

I am so thankful to every person who has logged on this blog and has encouraged me to do what I do. As you read my thoughts and inspirations from the Lord, I constantly ask Him to deposit in me words of Life and liberty. I am often amazed at what is written as well.

It is truly a wonderful experience to read testimonies, stories and word of life from each one of you. I know that many of you have had trials that would have taken the average person out, but you overcame and your faith was so strong that you did not stagger at the promise in unbelief.

I applaud each one of you for your courage, honor and strength to be transparent. I am grateful that you are supportive of me and encouraging me to go on. I appreciate your words of life and the love I feel when I read your comments and thoughts on how to make this blog better. I Thank you for being my sister, friend, and confidant in the Lord.

I am like a child who has been reminded:

What Do YOU say......?


There are many ways to do something for someone else as a way of showing your gratitude for all that the Lord has given unto you.

This Thanksgiving Holiday, say thank you with a sincere heart. Tell others why you are thankful for them. Say Thank you to the bank teller, the cashier and the paperboy. Do something that shows your thanks to someone outside of your immediate circle of family and friends. Bake a cake for your neighbor, write a thank you note to someone who has blessed or helped you, visit the hospital or homeless shelter and give your time, just to say thank you.

Keep Walking and Much Thanksgiving LOVE!

Shoes by Steve Madden ~Sumee

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


1 John 5:4 ~~ For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

I am an overcomer. I'll say it again, I AM AN OVERCOMER!

When I became a child of Christ, I wanted to be sold out to him and desperately wanted to be more like Him, yet I found that I had some huge obstacles to overcome. Namely myself. I couldn't forgive me. I wouldn't forgive me. I couldn't understand why He wanted to love me.

One of the hardest things that I struggled with was letting go of my past and moving closer to Jesus and the pardoning of my sins; putting the baggage on the curb and driving away, without looking back. Yes, my past is there but only to remind me that there God is so forgiving and so loving that He would allow me an opportunity to be called His.

I had to overcome some things that only I held on to. I had to release all the hurt and unforgiveness and embrace Jesus more and more. I had to see myself in a whole new light and become more positive in my outlook on things. I had to let a lot of people be themselves but I also have to be me.

The Lord promises me that when I became born of HIM that I had victory. Automatically, Immediately and definitely. I had to really activate some so Great Faith and believe truly that He had thrown all of that mess in the trash. He says that as far as the east is from the west, that is how far he has removed our transgressions from us. Hallelujah!

If God, who so loved the world, forgives me, who am I to argue? I forgive me too. I didn't forget, but I do forgive. I remember that He is in control of my life and has given me peace that passes all understanding. I can rest in Him and wait for His guidance and direction.

Overcoming an issue is like putting down a bag of rocks. When the weight of the issue is let go, you realize the freedom. You realize how heavy the bag was. And you dare not pick it up again. Finally, you can walk in Faith, with those Heels on.

This week, start putting down some of those bags, drive away from the curb and don't you dare look back.

Keep Walking,


Ladies, this week I want to give out two pair of shoes/boots. Please vote for your favorite suggestion under "NO JOKE" and your favorite comment under "LOVE COVERS". Thanks for participating.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

No Joke

Hey Ladies,

No Joke, I need your help.

I have asked for some outside help on this give a way project. I am trying to come up with a good way of doing this. Whoever comes up with the best idea gets a pairCheck Spelling. I have sizes 7 through 11. I have shoes and boots (not the winter kind, the dress-up kind).

Leave me a comment on the blog with your suggestion or comment on Monday, November 10, 2008's post. Two pair will be given away next Tuesday, November 18, 2008.

Don't miss out on free shoes.



Monday, November 10, 2008

Love Covers

Love covers a multitude of sins.
(And plenty other things too.)

It was Love that took on all of our sins, died on a cross and rose that we might not feel the sting of death. It was Love that took all of our mess and threw it in the lake of forgetfulness, never to be replayed or rehashed at random. It was Love that showed Himself strong against the temptation of the enemy as an example to us that we may also resist temptation. It is Love that looks waaaayyyyy past all our faults and saw all of our needs. It is Love blessing us. It is Love showing us the way to love someone else. It is Love covering us.

This is a huge challenge for all of God's people; to be the first to give Love and to use Love as a blanket to cover our brothers and sisters. Sometimes things hurt us so badly that it is hard to see past the initial hurt and see the Love, but it is there. Sometimes you have to look way deep down inside to see the it, but it is there. I have experienced times where I have not been so forgiving or loving because of the pain. But Love still covered me.

I thank God that He is so forgiving and forgetting when it comes to areas where I may fall short. Sometimes I forget how much He has forgiven me. However, He usually gently reminds me, "But for the grace of God, there go I."

I am learning that it is through my Faith in Christ that I have been forgiven, that grace abounds for each of us and that I must used all of my words in wisdom to be a blessing to you. I must cover you because I am being covered. Now I am not talking about hiding sin or allowing it to run rampant. Trust me, if you need correction, correction you will receive. But I am talking about non-sin issues, issues of everyday life, those things that are not unto death. I am talking about having each others back, especially when we are falling short or have some shortcomings; encouraging each other to move forward, press on, to try harder and to be better.

From this point on, I must remember to remember all that He has done for me. I must extend to my brothers and sisters the same grace that God has given me. I must extend my hand to help and not use my words to hurt. My opportunity comes everyday when I wake up. "Brand new mercies I see, Great is His Faithfulness, unto me."

Sisters, take some time and remember to forgive: the hurts, the pain, the hard times, the lies, the discouragement, etc. Chose to celebrate, congratulate, and participate in the lives of others.

Love is always covering us, even when we forget to cover each other.

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!
My Life is Golden!
Shoes by Highest Heel ~ Audrey

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Hey Ladies,

Don't worry, I am still here. I purposely waited until today to post. This is a day of musing, reflecting, and thought.


Isaiah 42:9

Behold, the former things are come to pass and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Yesterday, "All my troubles seemed so far away." Yesterday was full of fun and freedom. Last night as I reflected on the day, I realized that each day is a gift and treasure. That all the troubles of the day before are gone and new hope and expectation for tomorrow is coming. I was able to relax and enjoy what HE has given to me and to get all of the joy out of it. The things that did not go well, "Oh Well", they are over now.

Here's my list of activities:

Tried to sleep in, that didn't happen.
Rejoiced with my sister in law over her new home.
Had lunch, the salad was soooo good.
Went to class, got an A on my quiz.
Made good on a promise to my daughter to go to the movies.
Laughed real hard in the show, ate the popcorn with the fake butter (again).
Cooked a real dinner.
Took a long hot quiet, no kids at the door shower.
Read one chapter of my book.
Let the T.V. watch me.
Slept well.

1Samuel 12:16
Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes.
I expect great things from the Lord today. Well, He promised it. I look forward to seeing what He has in store for me. God is unfolding Himself at this very hour; giving me revelation of things to come and what He is doing in the future. I am standing still to see the goodness of the Lord. I am appreciating all the things that He has lined up for me. I know He is doing it. And I am going to receive it. I am rejoicing over it and I am using this time just to bless Him. I am not wrapped up in this election, cause He is still my God and in control. I am not worried about finances, because He owns the cattle upon a thousand hills. He has given me the power to get wealth and He has all things in His hands. I choose to enjoy today; to speak well of it, to be grateful for the sun, rain, sleet or hail. I thank God I can see it, hear the sounds of it and feel the heat of the sun or the cool of the rain. I expect to see the manifested blessings only He can bring. He may send you to bring them but it is through Him that we live, move and have our being.

I thank Him today for:
My Life, Health, My Children, My Husband (that which was and is to come), You, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Mercy, Kindness, Manifestations, Power, Liberty, Patience, Knowledge, Wisdom, Humility, Grace and For Him being so gracious to us all.

James 4:14
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

I can't even begin to describe tomorrow. It could be easy or it could be rough. It could be....? Yet there is one thing that I know is true, it belongs to God. He knows what shall take place on tomorrow. He knows who will be President and He also knows that He IS King. I don't have to fret about any bills, any issues or any drama because it may or may not come. I will not expend energy, time or valuable brain cells on the future issues or causes that may arise.
I will be excited about what is to come. I will be in expectation of great things. I will rejoice in the Lord. I will give Him all praise, for this is the day that He has made. I will sing His Praises. I will not be stressed or in some mess. I will not be a victim but victorious. I will shout unto the Lord. I will speak well of Him and everyone. I will not succumb to the cares of this life. I will see the manifestation of His goodness. I will pray for you, me and the world. I will thank Him for a new day, new mercies and new blessings. I will look to the hills. I will be me.

Have a blessed, prosperous and Faith filled day.

Keep Walking even with THOSE heels ON!


Friday, October 31, 2008

And The Winner Is.....

Congratulations to Stiletto's for the Christine & Kelly Pumps. They are truly a steppin out shoe.

Yesterday, I realized some flaws in my shoe give a way.

1) I can't add people after someone has voted.

2) I need to institute some type of contests as well as comments.

3) I need to make it easy.

Any suggestions?

In addition to shoes, I will be giving away other shoe items. As well as anything I find with the word Faith on it. Stay tuned and tell your peeps about this. It is "FOR REAL"!

Keep Walking,


Monday, October 27, 2008


Hey Ladies,

This week, I have got to say "FOR REAL?"!!!! Oprah has "Ah Hah!" I have "FOR REAL?"

Just when you step over a puddle, you realize you are in the middle of the ocean. And you can quote me on this one. It is not that I expect to sail through life care free and that everything will be so easy. It is just that I want, need, and really deserve a break. I shouldn't say deserve, but desire.

It is hard for me to list these moments, without totally exposing some of the culprits, but you know who you are. And to you I say, "FOR REAL?!!!"

There are times in my life when I really don't understand what people don't get. I guess that because I am Christian, because I have been changed, because I am maturing and because I don't carry a gun, that gives you authority to do, say or treat me any kind of way. Not so!

I am surely a child of God and know that I have been brought out of darkness, into His light. And since He has been so gracious to me, I must extend that grace to you. It is only fair. Because I do not yell, scream and fight like I used to, doesn't mean I won't go to war (in the spirit, of course). I will cry out to God on behalf of both you and me. And because I have grown; spiritually and naturally means that God is truly doing a work in me and that I must understand that you are a work too. And even though I don't have a permit to carry a concealed weapon because of the Blood of Jesus over my life I am still packing (the HOLY GHOST, of course).

It is truly amazing to me when I look back and realize that my reaction to the some things do not affect me in the same manner. I believe it is because I have Faith in God and I know without a doubt that since He has called me to do His will, that things won't be easy. Wearing 4 inch heels is difficult enough on dry land, try it when you are stepping out of the boat and walking water.

I am glad that I am in this place at this time in Mi Vida (my life). A time when I can see the storm, step out of the boat and DARE to walk on water. I have not always been here. I have not always felt confident enough to do something so radical. I have not always felt the love of others, probably cause I didn't love me enough to demand better. I have not always been so open and honest, for fear of losing someone. I have not always been so generous, because of what it would cost me. The Bible states that "Perfect love casts out all fear". I believe that although I am not perfect, I can have and experience "Perfect Love".

To those who still don't get it, I will still say "FOR REAL?!" but I will take the time to enlighten you. I will share my thoughts and feelings with you. I will still love and support you. I will still be a shoulder to cry on, but you might hear me whisper, "For Real?"

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!

(My Life is Golden!)
Shoes Steve Madden ~ LOLLAA

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bid Me To Come

OH MY GOODNESS! (My computer or my fingers have a mind of their own). I posted a blog with no writing.

On Friday night, I experienced my own personal breaking. I am sharing this with you because I believe that many of us are experiencing the same thing. I had to admit to God that I am afraid to walk on water.

I am finding that writing this blog each week is therapeutic. Although, it is scary to do something that exposes your inner thoughts and feelings and allows others to scrutinize what you say or think. I do want to be pleasing to the Father and even when I am unsure of how it translates to the brethern (sisteren), I must be about my Father's business. My goal is to let others know that it is okay to be you. In the past five years, I have learned that no matter what anyone else says or thinks about me, they have not had to live, think or breathe in my shoes. Their experiences may have mirrored or been similar to mine, but we all have to make our own choices.

I have had people say that they have read the blog and it is "interesting". Well the only thing that I can say is "I guess, I am "interesting" too", because it is about me. That is the only person that I have authority to expose. I have to understand that when you put yourself in a position of scrutiny, you will be scrutinized.

Last year, my cousin gave me the book, "If you want to walk on water, You've got to get out of the boat", by John Ortberg. I have read it front to back two times. This weekend, I read the passages about Peter walking on the water. And I am now finding that it is time to get out of the boat. He is bidding me to come. Just like Peter, I am sure that it is Him but I keep saying, If it is you Lord, command me to come.

I have to continue to do the things that I know will be helpful to someone else. I keep hearing "Fear not", but that just strikes up more fear. Why is God telling me not to fear? Because in saying that, there must be something to be afraid of. Am I afraid of failing, am I afraid of succeeding, am I afraid of what someone else thinks, am I afraid of what it will cost me, am I afraid of the sacrifice?

This is the time of testing. I have to do some hard things right now. I have to set goals, WRITE THEM DOWN, get out of the boat and WALK ON WATER. In this season of my life, I will have to really rely on God to order my steps and to keep me under the shadow of His wings. I expect great things in the season and as He bids me to come, I must be obedient to His command. I must trust that He knows exactly what I need and shall supply it in that time.

In each one of you, there is something that is calling you higher. Please take the first step and get out of the boat. "Even the longest journey must begin where you stand." (Michael Moncur, 9/1/04)

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!
My Life is Golden!
(When I am tried in the fire, I shall come out as pure gold!)
Shoes by Guess ~ Carrieelee

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And the Winner IS.....

Congratulations to A Work in Progress.... Cheronda White.

You have won the Pierra Dumas Marcella's Size 8 1/2. I will make sure that you get this on Sunday.

Keep Walking in Your New Faith Shoes,


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Booster Shots

Tomorrow I have to take my daughter to the doctor for her check-up and possibly some booster shots. Most of us remember a children going to the doctor every so often to get another shot to help protect us for dreaded diseases. These shots were designed to work with the original shot and help booster the protection that was already given unto us.

Well today, I need a booster shot of Faith. It is not that I am staggering or wavering in the belief of the promise, I just feel like I need more. I take today's example from the apostles, who asked the Lord to "Increase OUR Faith." They didn't lack faith they just wanted more Faith to help them accomplish the goals that were set before them. Again this is not Bible study, but my life in stereo.

I know that God has some wonderful and precious promises before me. It just seems extremely hard to keep my focus. I have been assured that God is working everything out and that I must wait patiently to obtain the prize. Receiving a personal word from the Lord is awesome because it helps me to be assured that I am on the right path. But if you know me, you know that I am a doer and I need to get it done.

The Lord is teaching me to be patient and be still. I read a devotion the other day and it talked about making our hearts to sit still. This devotion was so on time because in my heart was racing, thinking about what I wanted to accomplish and by what time. I began to faint in my heart because all of those deadlines are passing. The writer said that "If we faint not at the promises, but believe in our hearts, patiently waiting for God to line up everything we will need, He will do just what he promised".

That is what I shall do. In the midst of praising Him for everything (because this is my month of praise), I will begin to still my heart and wait on Him. God has made everything good in His time. I believe that!

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!
My Life is Golden
(Shoes by Aldo ~ Silao)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Abundant In Faith

Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:7

Thank God for His abundance of Faith, Grace and Glory. I am so excited that God is moving with such intensity and force. He is showing Himself strong and giving power to His sons and daughters that we may stand. It is so important that we take time each day to read something from the Word of God. Mediate on what we have read and then apply it in our lives. We have to begin to praise Him for the things that have manifested and those things to yet come.

The Lord has given us His word. Our job is to take that word, deposit in our hearts, minds and spirits. The Word of God will help us in our times of testing and trial. It will deliver us and quench the fiery darts. It will expose those things that are not like Him and help us to praise Him for the goodness that He gives unto us.

Each week, I sit under men and women of God, who take God's word and work seriously. Their labor in the Word of God so that the Kingdom be built. I do not take it lightly the labor of love that these individuals pour out each week. I have been taught so much Word that it would be very hard for me to deny that He is the Christ. I desire that God's word abide within me and that I can use that word to preserve me in the time of trouble. I can use that word to help someone else. I can stand on God's word as the truth for my life. This is not always as easy as it sounds, but it is necessary for me to be able to encourage others to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

I strive to praise God for who He is not what He can give. I strive to increase my faith by believing that God is my source, my provider, my friend, my comforter, my healer (naturally and emotionally), and most of all my Savior. This is the season that God IS pouring out His blessings and manifesting promises in our lives.

I intend to continue to bless the Lord and to praise Him. In the darkest of hours, the most unsurest of times and in the deepest of pits, He still deserves all the praise. I really want each one of you who read this blog post this week, to take a few minutes praise Him, thank Him and tell someone else about Him.

As the weeks unfold, I will begin to share some of the revelations and manifestations of God's promises in Mi Vida (my life).

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!

My Life is Golden!

(When I am tried in the fire, I shall come out as pure gold!)


This week begins the "IF the Shoe Fits.... give-a-way. Leave a comment of the Blog site. At the end of the blog, there is a comment button. Post your comment and type in the code given and use anonymous, if you don't have a log in. The stipulation is that you must leave your name and comment on the blog and email me at Each comment will be entered into the give-a-way. There will be poll posted for the best comment and you will receive the shoes. How easy is that? Leave a comment and win shoes. The shoes are located under the "If the Shoe Fits..." to the right.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Praise Break

Last week my Pastor, Joseph Hewitt, gave us a very important revelation about our situations. He stated that most issues could be summed up like this - Problem, Praise, Promise. We first have a problem, but if we continue to praise Him, we will receive the promise.

I experienced this first hand on yesterday. I was so focused on my problem that I forgot to praise God and forgot about the promise. God is not slack concerning His promises towards us. We become slack when God is not moving with the urgency we feel we deserve.

I had to take some time out yesterday, right in my living room and jump, shout and thank Him for the promises He has revealed unto me. I had to thank Him for my home, my children, my job and my life. I had to give up much praise for He is His good and His mercy endures forever.

I realized that problems are a way of moving us into our destiny and propeling us to do something else to reach our goals. I can't continue to complain about a situation, but do nothing to make it better.

I am looking to experience an exceeding, abuntant life because He came that I might have life and that more abuntantly. My goal for the Month of October is to praise Him with all that is within me. To give glory to the one who has given me life. To look to the hills, from which comes my help. To believe to see the goodness of the Lord. To Walk IN FAITH, with these heels on!

Keep Walking, you are almost there!

(Boots By Kate Spade ~ Lucie)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Growing In Faith

Recently, I heard a song that has become very poignant in my life. It is "Hide Me" by Kirk Franklin. Yeah, yeah, Kirk Franklin. This song talks about how storms make our faith grow.

When I listen to the words of this song I appreciate the trials of life, I don't like them but it helps me to understand it better by and by.

I have added it to my play list and hope you will be able to hear it.

The chorus of this song says "Hide me, let me live behind You. Hide me, cause I need shelter from the rain. Remind me, the only way my faith can grow is when You let Your winds blow, Your making me stronger now, Rain don't go away." Now realistically none of us ask for the storms, the wind and the rain, but if it is designed to make us grow, stronger or better it is working for our good.

It is always hard for me to remain calm, cool and collected when everything around me seems to be tossed and turned, but Jesus always has to remind me that He is with me. Like to apostles in Mark 4:37-41, I get nervous when the boat gets to rocking and Jesus is resting. Because I like to have an idea of what's next, I have a hard time, when Jesus isn't answering me immediately or specifically.

I asked Him recently to do some things that were not hard but specific for me. It seems I am always asking God to show me that He is with me and He did. Now it is time for me to keep my end of the deal. I have to get out of the boat and start walking on water. Yikes!!! I still not too sure of the direction, yet I hear Him saying "Come."

But God, I have on these heels, how can I walk in Faith? He said one step at a time. So I am taking it day by day. Step by Step and growing from Faith to Faith. I often have to ask God to hide me and let me live behind him.
Some challenges I have had to face head on, but God is so gracious to me that He is my covering when things get too hard for me. When I feel unprotected and vulnerable to the world, He is always supportive, comforting and nurturing to me. He sends His word, His children and His grace my way each day.
When I am in one of those dry places, He send someone with water to help me make it through. When I am lonely, someone calls to connect with me. When I a blue, He sends the rest of the rainbow to cheer me up. I believe we serve an Faithful God!
I do need God to hide me and cover me, and I do enjoy each moment of it. I encourage you to ask God to do the same for you.
Keep Walking,
MiVida es de Oro!
(My Life is Golden)
Shoes by Stuart Weitzman ~Sashay
(Please forgive the text, it keeps running together
Plus it's after midnight)

Monday, September 15, 2008

On My Way

This month I have determined that I am going to push past all obstacles, distractions, disappointments, discouragements, discomforts, financial lack and even my own doubts.

The Word of the Lord is so vibrant and strong that it continues to encourage me and keep me on track. I am pursuing my dreams with much passion. They may change as I evolve, but they will continue to be my dreams. I learned a valuable lesson for my life (MiVida) this year, that I am the only one who can place limits on me.

Fear and doubt has always kept me from moving towards my goals. I have been afraid to step out of the boat and dare to walk on water. I have been afraid of what others would think of me. I have been afraid of being disappointed. I have been afraid of how I am received or perceived. I have doubted my own ability. I have been doubted. But the buck stops here! I have decided that I refuse to be afraid.

Every Monday, I place a post on this blog. However, before I do so, I ask the Lord what I should say. What is important to me? What is important to you? And how to express those feelings, thoughts and emotions into something of value. I believe that the only thing that is important right now is to shed all of the pomp and circumstance and just be me.

What you see is what you get. Although, I strive to do better, be better and learn as much as I can. I am a work in progress and I like it. I am grateful that I have those who are in my corner, on my side, correcting me and cheering me on, yet if they all went away I still have to please God. I read in the Bible today, Romans 3:3 "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?" This passage is talking about an inward and outward change in the Jews through circumcision, and I believe that it is relevant to my life. What if some don't believe, does that may God's Word ineffective? Does the work that God has completed in my life become void because someone else doesn't believe in me? It is important that we know that we have been changed and that God IS doing the work in us. That is what makes the difference.

I have found that so many people of God have so little faith, when we as God's children should be those with the greatest faith of all. We are quick to see and say the negative and are surprised at the positive. I often here people of God say "That will never happen for me" and guess what? It won't. I choose to say the opposite. I have so great faith, that God will supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory, that I have all that I need and more. I have so great faith that He loves me so much that although the young lions will suffer lack, because I seek Him I will not want any good thing. (Psalms 34:10) Last week, I was instructed to state out loud that "I am not participating in the recession." (I even told my checkbook that we were not going to participate this year.)
From this point on, I am using all of the energy that used to consume me and cause me to worry, murmur, complain and be frustrated toward reaching my goals. Therefore, based on past history, I should reach my goals in no time :))) I encourage you to do the same. The same energy that you would use to talk about the situation, use it towards your dream. Use what may have been negative and make it positive. All of the no's should make you strive for a yes, all of the closed doors should make you search hard for the open one and all of the naysayers should make you surround yourself with only the positive and focused people.
Today, I see dreams coming to life. I see you pursuing your dreams with fervency, passion and drive. I see us pressing past the obstacles and running after our dreams. Never forget that you are a daughter of the King and royalty has privileges.
Keep Walking,
MiVida es de Oro
(My Life is Golden)
Shoes by Steve Madden ~ Midory

Monday, September 8, 2008


I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers, Hearing of thy love and FAITH, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus and toward all saints; That the communication of thy FAITH may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. For WE HAVE GREAT JOY and consolation in thy love, because of the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother. Philemon 4-7

This morning I have a midnight praise. I started writing this post at midnight tonight. I spent the entire day with Jesus. And Wow! We had a great time.

God in His infinite wisdom, love and power has lavished His love upon me. He wants to do the same for you. He is moving powerfully through the Body and preparing us for a change. There is a new direction that we each must take. We must change our directions, our garments, our spoken words and give up some things in order to truly be ready for His call.

There are so many things that could be happening to us right now, BUT GOD. He has chosen to give you the best part. He orchestrates our lives so perfectly that even the bad is good. He confirms His words and reaffirms our hearts to let us know that He hears us and He knows what He is doing in us.

I am soooo full right now. God gave me extra portions this weekend. He fed me His Word through His people and confirmed His direction in my life. What He didn't do was give me a map, an instruction manual or a compass. He gave me more of Himself. He spoke the Word to me and told me to do exploits. He guided me in the right direction at the right time to hear from Him.

I am rejoicing. I am praising God for me, for you and for us. I am so full of joy over the promises that are coming to pass. I pray that my communication of FAITH become effectual in each one of you by acknowledging every, and I mean every, good thing that is in you through Christ Jesus. God is calling us to rejoice in love with one another and share that Love and FAITH with another.

I expect to see each one of you rejoicing for what is to come. Get that thing in your mind, whatever it may be, and praise HIM for it now. I mean really praise HIM! Open your mouth, speak life into it, bless Him for it, use the scriptures over it, refuse to let it go and watch God manifest in it.

This morning, I have a Midnight Praise. Continue to pray for me as I pray to Him.

Keep Walking,

(Shoes by Joan & David)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

Whenever a woman thinks of Labor, whether she has children or not, it is usually in the context of giving birth.

Well ladies, today was Labor Day.

Inside each of us is a dream waiting to be fulfilled. There are things that only you can do. I don't care who else has opportunity, privilege or drive, there are things that God has given to you to do and only you can accomplish them.

Today is a day of birthing. Manifesting those desires that were placed within in you before you were conceived. I know some wonderful women, who are talented, gifted and anointed to do only what they do best. God has blessed me to be surrounded by His daughters, who have talents and gifts that are without compare. In my life there are hairstylists, event planners, engineers, beauty consultants, makeup artists, therapists, wives, mothers, anointed preachers, teachers, mentors, designers and daughters, who bless me each time we meet. I appreciate the value that they add to my life and the encouragement that they deposit.

Each one of these ladies have been more than just a shoulder to cry on, they help me to continue to push, because I have to birth this baby! They see the vision and continue to help me to stay on track. To push past the obstacles and to jump over the hurdles. Each time I reach a point of giving up, I hear: You can do it, Keep walking even with those heels on, With God all things are possible, PUSH!

Today I pray that each one of you who read this post, know that God is birthing your dream. Sometimes it takes a little longer to see the manifestation of what He has deposited within you, but it is well worth the wait.

It is Labor Day. Do you have that measure of Faith that expects to see those things that are not, to call into existence what God has placed inside of you? I challenge you to take some time out this week; Be still and listen to what God has to say. Wait for the gentle nudge from God and then remember everyday can be Labor Day. God is always birthing something through His daughters.

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!

(My Life is Golden!)
Shoes by Christian Louboutin
When I am tried in the Fire, I shall come out as pure Gold!
P.S. The Christian Louboutin brand is touted as the most comfortable high heel shoes in the world, therefore, I sure I can give birth in these.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just A Thought

I am inspired by the moves and methods of God. He has increased my Faith through His word and His deeds. I hear testimonies of His goodness unto His children and I am inspired to continue in what He has given me to do.

I try to remember that each time I write something on my blog, that it is for His glory and I am a vessel for His use. I know that everything that I experience is an opportunity for growth. I am learning that the Lord uses moves and methods to align me in the right place at the right time. I am learning that everything has a purpose. I am learning to let go and let God. I am learning that He is in control and that He only wants the best for me. I am learning to lean on Him and trust Him in every aspect of my life.

Wisdom is gaining knowledge from those experiences, applying them correctly in my life and using them to uplift and edify another. The goal of my postings is to spark within you the drive to press forward and go deeper in Him; to use each experience as an opportunity to learn more about Him and about who you are in Him.

Today's lesson was Joy. Being joyful and full of joy about everything that God has provided. I laughed hard today. I ate cookies with abandon. I had popcorn with butter (the fake kind). I enjoyed myself. I learned that He has given me everything that I need to live abundantly.

I truly appreciate what God has given me today and I am excited about what tomorrow brings. I am confident in this, through everything I experience I know God is taking me from faith to faith.

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro!
(My Life is Golden!)
(Shoes by BCBGirls Paris Ilta)

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Faith is On Trial

1 Peter 1:6-9

Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love in whom, though ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

In a court room, a person stands before a judge. You are either the plaintiff or the defendant. You are either making claim against someone or defending your actions. The plaintiffs duty is to lay out all of the evidence against the defendant and convince a judge and/or jury of their crime. The plaintiff gives the facts and supports the claim with documents or evidence to support the claim.

The defendant is doing just that: defending. The defendant must refute or dispute the evidence with information and documentation of their own. They must also make claims against the claims that are used as evidence against them.

Ultimately, the Judge decides the matter. Period! The Judge decides what is permissible and acceptable in each case.

Today, MY FAITH is on trail.

I am the plaintiff and Faith is the defendant. God is always the judge.

Looking at my circumstance with my natural eyes, as the plaintiff, I present evidence and facts against the situation at hand. I recall all the facts with familiarity, because right now they are hurting me so. I call all the witnesses to support me because everything feels so heavy. I also use evidence that is not fully supported and claims that have NO documentation. I parade each problem before the Judge and openly discuss their misdeeds. I uncover facts that are not relevant to the current case and try to apply them to my claim. I use every trick in the book to persuade the Judge of my cause.

All the while, FAITH sits quietly, observing each piece of evidence. Even though all the evidence is not true, Faith allows them to be submitted and applied to the case. Faith allows the FIRE of the situation to be turned up even higher because Faith knows that it must praise, honour and glorify God in every situation.

There are no sudden outburst, no weeping or crying, just resolute silence. Faith already knows the verdict.

Faith holds out, not even breaking a sweat. Faith endures the accusations and lies hurled in the midst of my heaviness. Faith loves the Lord so much and works only to please Him. Faith is Golden.

I picked the moniker "Golden" because I am often tried in the fire. The Bible lets me know that I am coming out as pure gold. And even though gold may perish, the Faith within me is more precious than anything else and it will remain.

In this trial today, Faith has won. The evidence that I have presented is not only faulty, God disallows it. My witnesses are not credible. Even though I have paraded them through the courtroom, God says He has a greater cloud of witnesses. And the documents that I have gathered are all burned in the fire.

I must pull up my bootstraps and stick it out. The trial is not so great that my hope in Him is diminished by some temporal things; by this faulty, uncredible evidence. I should know by now that the Verdict is always the same.

FAITH WINS!!!!!!!!

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de ORO!
"My life is Golden!"
(Brown Boots by Steve Madden 2008 Fall Collection)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Persuasive Faith

Romans 4:20,21 (Scripture modified) Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in Faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.

Faith is persuasive. It can cause some to believe in God and increase in others. Through the trials and triumphs we experience, we provided visible evidence that the Lord is truly listening to our prayers, guiding us down the right paths and working miracles in our lives. This evidence is a witness that our Faith is growing and becoming stronger. God made a promise to Abraham and although it did not immediately manifest, Abraham continued to have Faith in God. He knew that God would do just what He said and HE DID!

That is strong Faith, that is persuasive Faith. Just imagine what Abraham's servants, family and friends must have been thinking after Sarah announced she was pregnant, after all those years. Abraham knew God was not a man that He would (should) lie. His level of Faith was so strong that he did not doubt God for one moment. He just waited and God did perform what He had promised.

I asked the Lord to give me this kind of Faith. The kind that encourages, edifies, glorifies, compels, and persuades others to want to know Him and serve Him. To believe that if God said that He would do it, He will.


First I have to walk down the path to gain the knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Only then is my Faith walk made stronger and is useful to others. Sometimes this is a lonely path, yet I know that I will not be alone. Everyone will not understand, support or believe what God has promised and not matter how many times you explain, diagram, and express it, they still will have unbelief. Even Abraham's wife had to laugh. Although the Lord quickly stopped that!

It is time for us, the women of God, to stop laughing at what God has told us (OH, yes you have) but to rejoice because He has entrusted us with His plan for us. No matter what it looks like, He knows what it is going to take to get us there. Joyce Meyer said today that we have to stop wasting so much time. Amen to Joyce. Being promised something by God does not allow us the opportunity to sit still until He performs it but it should encourage us to get moving until He shows up.

I want strong Faith, in all areas of my life, therefore, I cannot stagger every time something does not go as planned or I don't see how He will perform it. I cannot allow unbelief or doubt in myself or others to surround me because that does not glorify God. I have to have that unwavering, unmovable type of Faith that lifts me up above those things and helps me to know that God is able also to perform His promise.

I am fully persuaded that all God's promises are yea & amen. and what He has promised me, HE WILL PERFORM IT. (So Don't laugh!)

Keep Walking,

MiVida es de Oro

My Life is Golden

When I am tried in the Fire, I shall come out as pure gold!
(Shoes by Stuart Weitzman - Goliath)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Do You Have Faith In God?

Sorry, I am late this week, I had a final exam, but Praises be to God! I got an A-. I wanted an A+, but God is good.
Although I am a daughter of the King, I sometimes forget that I am priviledged. I forget my rightful place and allow fear, doubt and discouragement keep me from doing and being all that God has called me to be.

The Lord has not given me the spirit of fear, but yet I am sometimes afraid. I have to shake that spirit, which holds me hostage and keeps me from stepping out in faith. As I continue to walk with the Lord and truly let him lead and guide me, I find that His perfect love casts out that fear and replaces it with boldness and courage to do exploits.

Jesus asks His disciples, how long had they been with Him, yet they still doubted. I can relate to those disciples. When I see that hard thing in front of me, thoughts of victory run in the opposite direction and a flood of doubt rushes in. Yet Jesus encourages me in Mark 11:22, he says "Have Faith in God." He is the source of all my power, authority, victory, peace, love, joy, and hope. I have to "Have Faith in God."

As I move forward in reaching out to those who may not know Him and encouraging those who do, I find myself in a position of vulnerability. Everyone is not going to receive me, congratulate me or support me. I just have to "Have Faith in God." and in His word and promise to me. He promised He would never leave me nor forsake me, He said "Lo, I am with you always."

Today, I refuse to allow the spirit of fear, doubt, disbelief, discouragement and disappointment to overwhelm me or overtake me. But I choose to walk in victory, belief, encouragement and appointment. I choose to exercise my full priviledge and walk as royalty in the Kingdom of God. I choose to know that with God on my side, I am more than a conquerer. I choose to Have Faith in God.

Sisters, just know that no matter what the situation looks like, you must always remember that you are a daughter of the King and that because of Him you are priviledge.

When things look their worse, shout out loud "I Have Faith in God."

When I am tried in the fire, I SHALL come out a pure gold!
(Shoes by Bandalino - Quartz)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Faith that Is Pleasing

But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6

This morning I woke up thinking about the level of my faith. Is it pleasing unto God? This scripture is so powerful; in that it asks us to do something, to receive something. We must seek the Lord with our whole hearts, minds and souls to receive our reward. But in the midst of everything that is going on, we are pulled from every direction and our hearts go one way, our minds another and Jesus bless our souls!

I truly want to be pleasing unto God. I want to be a vessel of honor. I want to walk in obedience. I want to yield to His will. I want to hear Him say "Well Done!" I want to walk the streets of Gold. I want to see Jesus.

Have you really ever considered where your level is? Are you full, half way there or running on empty? I know that to please Him, we must believe that He is. But believing is half of the battle, we must know that He is.

The Lord has been my provider, deliverer, sustainer, encourager, comforter, protector, counselor, friend, companion, lover, and most of all Savior, in every sense of the word. He saved me from sin, myself, foolishness, vanity, pride and self-destruction.

As daughters of the King, we must know that we must cultivate our faith in Him to be pleasing to Him. We must talk with the Lord daily and LISTEN for the answer. We must come to Him believing that He knows what is best, that He is in control and the He IS. And most importantly we must seek HIM - Diligently. Like we search for sales, we must seek after Him. Like we check our emails, we must seek after Him. Like we text, we must seek after Him. Like we shop, we must seek after Him. These are just a few things that we prioritize in our lives. Let's make seeking HIM a calendar item. Let's make seeking Him an email reminder. Let's make seeking Him, the text of the day. Try it. Send an text to one of your fav five and tell them to stop and ask the Lord if they are pleasing Him. Email someone and ask them to check their Faith.

Writing this blog, I am seeking the Wisdom of God and His Words to pass along. I am activating my faith that this will not be just a hobby, but a profound expansion of God's Glory in our lives. I am asking each one who reads today's post, to respond with a hearty Amen.

Add your faith shout to this blog. You don't have to write a long note, just say AMEN!

Keep WALKING in Faith, even with those heels on!


Tried in the Fire, but coming out Gold!
(Shoes by Dollhouse)