For the past few weeks, my soul has been heavy. Even coming off of a fabulous weekend of fun, celebrate and joy for our Mother's Day Banquet, I still had some unresolved issues weighing on me. Spending time with 250 fabulous, beautiful and wonderful women of Faith, had me overjoyed. I was so excited, elated and ecstatic to see all of the love in the room. Love for one another and for the FaithWithHeels organization. Yet with all of this, I still had weight.
The things that are weighing on me are not easily resolved by me. I have had serious moments of despair, anxiety and overwhelming. I have awaken in the middle of the night asking the Lord for peace. I have had to get on my knees at 4:00 a.m. and talk with the Lord. It is during these times I try to grow closer to the Lord by reading the Word and being more still. I shut out all of the distractions and focus on what the root causes of the issues. Sometimes this helps tremendously and sometimes I just must wait for Him to answer.
I am beginning to realize that the assignments, missions or leadings of the Lord are not as easy as they may sound or seem. He often asks of me, so much more than I even think I had accomplish. And many times I feel very unsure and uneasy about what lies ahead. Because of my personal insecurities, I tend to procrastinate when it comes to moving forward in God. I am always waiting for the sign, the word, the move, the urging or some other miraculous, supernatural thing to assure me that the Lord is on my side. Yes I agree, HOW FOOLISH! but it is true. I do not seek out signs or wonders from God or man, but I am so glad when the Lord does show me His glory through His word, a song, a phone call or even the prayers and encouragement from others.
My faith in the power, ability, love and movement of God, is not unsure. I know that He can, is able and will do all He promises. What I often question is my faith in what I can do. I often leap before I look, which is both good and bad.
This week I am in the process of becoming an homeowner for the very first time and it has been a very trying time in my life. I am crying out to the Lord for wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the process and for His protection from anything that will cause hurt or harm. I am so grateful for the prayers of the saints all around this world. I received a very powerful email, from a sister in the Lord in California (you know who you are and yes, I am coming soon), she sent me an email saying that I had been heavily on her mind and heart and that her prayers were going up for me. WOW!!!!! This really boosted my spirits. Just knowing that there is someone out there praying for me. Not that I discount the fact that there are people praying, receiving this email to me was my commission to go on in Jesus' name.
I have been bombarded this week with the message of faith:
My niece texted me a "Keep the Faith" message.
My devotions this week were focused on faith.
And this morning a devotion came this morning ~ BE FAITHFUL
What does this tell you?!!!! It screams to me ---"God is faithful and my faith should rest with HIM."
Today I continue to speak life into all the situations that are weighing me down. God promises that He will take every burden from our shoulders (Isaiah 10:27). He is Faithful to do what He promises.
I know that the Lord has good things in store for me and when I am faithful He does just what He says.
I say to you, keep the faith because without FAITH it IS impossible to please God. My faith has been lifted through God's word, His encouragement and He signs, showing me that He cares so much for me. I pray today that you too are lifted through God's word and that your help comes speedily. As they say, "He may not come when you want HIM but God is always right on time." That is HIS faithfulness toward us.
Keep Walkin' y'all,
MiVida es de ORO!
My Life is GOLDEN!
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Rodnesha Edwards
I enjoy reading your posts and it gives me such hope and encouragement. I bought a home two years ago and trust me, it's not easy. I have a fiance and sometimes things get tough and you don't have any other choice but to fall on your knees and cry out to the Lord. I know you are going to be just fine so just hold on and keep the faith!
nice post! u have wonderful things about faith to teach ^^
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