Romans 4:20,21 (Scripture modified) Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in Faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.
Faith is persuasive. It can cause some to believe in God and increase in others. Through the trials and triumphs we experience, we provided visible evidence that the Lord is truly listening to our prayers, guiding us down the right paths and working miracles in our lives. This evidence is a witness that our Faith is growing and becoming stronger. God made a promise to Abraham and although it did not immediately manifest, Abraham continued to have Faith in God. He knew that God would do just what He said and HE DID!
That is strong Faith, that is persuasive Faith. Just imagine what Abraham's servants, family and friends must have been thinking after Sarah announced she was pregnant, after all those years. Abraham knew God was not a man that He would (should) lie. His level of Faith was so strong that he did not doubt God for one moment. He just waited and God did perform what He had promised.
I asked the Lord to give me this kind of Faith. The kind that encourages, edifies, glorifies, compels, and persuades others to want to know Him and serve Him. To believe that if God said that He would do it, He will.
First I have to walk down the path to gain the knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Only then is my Faith walk made stronger and is useful to others. Sometimes this is a lonely path, yet I know that I will not be alone. Everyone will not understand, support or believe what God has promised and not matter how many times you explain, diagram, and express it, they still will have unbelief. Even Abraham's wife had to laugh. Although the Lord quickly stopped that!
It is time for us, the women of God, to stop laughing at what God has told us (OH, yes you have) but to rejoice because He has entrusted us with His plan for us. No matter what it looks like, He knows what it is going to take to get us there. Joyce Meyer said today that we have to stop wasting so much time. Amen to Joyce. Being promised something by God does not allow us the opportunity to sit still until He performs it but it should encourage us to get moving until He shows up.
I want strong Faith, in all areas of my life, therefore, I cannot stagger every time something does not go as planned or I don't see how He will perform it. I cannot allow unbelief or doubt in myself or others to surround me because that does not glorify God. I have to have that unwavering, unmovable type of Faith that lifts me up above those things and helps me to know that God is able also to perform His promise.
I am fully persuaded that all God's promises are yea & amen. and what He has promised me, HE WILL PERFORM IT. (So Don't laugh!)
Keep Walking,
MiVida es de Oro
My Life is Golden
When I am tried in the Fire, I shall come out as pure gold!
(Shoes by Stuart Weitzman - Goliath)
Amen! As I read the blog, it came to me that both faith and heels are both representative of ELEVATION! Our level of faith speaks of our spiritual elevation and our heels are a physical elevation... I desire to see elevation in my walk with God, my level of dedication/commitment to God, my fruit, and in all that He has promised me. Ladies, as we keep walking in FAITH and expectation, we will see the manifested promises of God in our lives. We must move from "just believing" to "knowing." - Speak LIFE!
Blessed post. It's funny (no pun intended) because just about 3 weeks ago, I was speaking with someone about the ups and downs of the promise/obtaining the promise...and they stated, "you already know God is going to do it, you just do what YOU are supposed to be doing!" and then I LAUGHED...my laugh was not met with a laugh, but a scolding, just like Sarah got, and they said, "don't laugh.....Sarah was a laugher"...so this post was such a blessing because I know I am in a place where I have to have the faith that Abraham did. He didn't stagger at all! That's amazing, and what I am striving for everyday.
Wow. This is blessed. There are things that God has promised me that I laugh at. Not outwardly, but inwardly. I say God is this you? I ask over and over again, and He being the faithful God He is, He continues to comfirm His Promises. I don't see how the promises will manifest, but I know that God is true to His Word. So with that I continue to strive to find rest in the promises and Word of God. With out faith it is impossible to please Him, and I want to please Him, so I press to walk by faith and not by sight so that I will obtain the promises.
Wow. This is blessed. There are things that God has promised me that I laugh at. Not outwardly, but inwardly. I say God is this you? I ask over and over again, and He being the faithful God He is, He continues to comfirm His Promises. I don't see how the promises will manifest, but I know that God is true to His Word. So with that I continue to strive to find rest in the promises and Word of God. With out faith it is impossible to please Him, and I want to please Him, so I press to walk by faith and not by sight so that I will obtain the promises.
Once again this post is right on time. We have to remember that God wants us to get to the place of "So Great Faith" (which is speaking faith). When we are truly persuaded in our faith in God we won't be afraid to declare openly or believe God openly for the promises that He has spoken to us. Remember the Centurion Soldier "said" to Jesus "speak the word only" and my servant shall be healed... and Jesus declared back that He has not seen "So Great Faith" in all of Israel. (paraphased) We have to remember to speak God's word only in our sit-chew-ations (situations). Thanks again to our beloved sister who continues to submit herself to God so that we in return can learn... "How to walk in Our Faith, With These High Heels On"!~ Beauti For Ashes
Grace and Peace thank you Sis V for sending me your blog. Truly it is a walk on faith for me this year. The scripture states that when your mother and father forsake you then the Lord will lift you up. We cannot be weary in well doing we will reap if we faint no. The bible state faint in the day of adversityyour strenght is small. I going the walk in my shoes of faith. thank you for all your encouragement
Love, Lady Denise Campbell
ps. God has been Gracious
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